It is the mission of the Green Island Police Department to provide exceptional service to the community while upholding the laws of the State of New York as well as the United States Constitution. This mission can only be accomplished through a partnership with our citizens based in transparency, integrity, respect and trust. By maintaining this positive relationship together we will reduce crime, cultivate preventative techniques & enhance the quality of life for all residents and visitors of the Village of Green Island.
Click HERE to view the Green Island Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative Committee’s Report, adopted March 15, 2021.
If you would like to submit a question pertaining to policing policies, strategies and practices, please click HERE
To share your comments on policing policies, strategies and practices, please click HERE
Introduction of Committee Members – Click HERE for member bios
Chief Christopher Parker
Sgt. Steven Barker
Officer Carlos Nazario
Maggie A. Alix
Sgt. Anthony Bryant
Donald Cicchinelli
Donna Lazzaro
Katherine Maloney
Kyra Oeffler
Executive Order No. 203 – New York State Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative
Village of Green Island Resolution #1-8-17-2020 to appoint Committee members
New York State Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative Resource and Guide
Green Island Police Department General Orders/Standard Operating Procedures
o 1-01 Mission Statement
o 1-02 Organizational Structure
o 1-03 Written Directives
o 1-04 Use of Physical Force
o 1-05 Duties of Members
o 1-06 Uniform & Appearance
o 2-01 Firearms
o 2-02 Use of Personally Owned Weapons
Public Input Session – March 11, 2021 at 6pm via Zoom
Live Recording