Effective Tuesday, July 6th, the Village Office and other municipal buildings will once again be open to the public. Per CDC guidelines, FULLY VACCINATED individuals are no longer required to wear face coverings. If you are NOT fully vaccinated, you must continue to wear a face covering over your nose and mouth in all municipal buildings.
WE RECOMMEND, AND ENCOURAGE, TO CALL AHEAD OR MAKE AN APPOINTMENT IF THERE IS A NEED TO MEET WITH A VILLAGE EMPLOYEE (notary, certificate of residence, handicap permit, etc). Payments can still be made via the mail slot, during and after hours.
Please DO NOT enter the Village Office or any other municipal building if you are experiencing, or have experienced, any of the following symptoms in the past 48 hours:
•fever or chills
•shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
•muscle or body aches
•new loss of taste or smell
•sore throat
•congestion or runny nose
•nausea or vomiting
Please DO NOT Enter if:
•You have been in close physical contact in the last 14 days with anyone who is known to have Covid-19 or anyone who has any symptoms consistent with Covid – 19.
•You are currently waiting on results of a Covid-19 test.
Please Call 518-273-2201, and assistance will be provided by telephone.