The Snow Emergency is officially over in Green Island.
Just a reminder, please cooperate for the good of our community and residents and report any violators to the Code Enforcemnet Ofice at 518-273-2201:
Code of the Village of Green Island: Pursuant to the Authority conferred in Section 7-700 of the Village Law of the State of New York, the Board of Trustees of the Village of Green Island hereby adopts and enacts Local Law No. 1 of 2015 as follows: Section 1. § 140-7. Removal required A. It shall not be lawful for any owner, occupant/tenant or any person having the charge or control of any premises, lot, tenement or manufacturing establishment situated within the Village of Green Island to suffer or permit any snow, ice or other substance to collect and remain on any sidewalk fronting on or belonging to said premises so as to impede, obstruct or render dangerous public travel upon such sidewalks, later than twenty-four hours after the same shall have fallen or collected thereon or for more than two hours after being notified by any police officer of the Village, the Village Code Enforcement Officer or the Department of Public Works (DPW) Commissioner or his designee to remove the same. Removal is required to the extent of four feet wide or the width of the sidewalk, whichever is less. These provisions shall apply to all sidewalks within the Village. B. No owner, occupant, tenant or any person having charge or control of any premises, lot or tenement or manufacturing establishment situated in the Village of Green Island shall suffer or permit any snow, ice or other substance to be deposited into any of the public streets of the Village of Green Island, except that such individuals shall be allowed to deposit snow upon the banks that may already be established along such streets, provided that such snow is deposited along the bank on the same side of the street adjacent to the property from which it is being removed or on adjacent properties with permission from the property owner being affected, and further provided that such snow is deposited in a manner that does not cause such snow to be deposited upon the sidewalks or roadways and further that it does not obstruct parking or otherwise create a dangerous condition by leaving any accumulation of snow in the street. Section 2. § 140-8. Penalties for offenses A. Any person committing an offense against any provision of this Article shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250) or to be imprisoned for a term not to exceed fifteen (15) days, or both. Section 3. § 140-8.1 Village action for noncompliance If the provisions of §140-7 and §140-8 are not complied with, the Code Enforcement Officer of the Village of Green Island may elect to do one of the following: A. Serve written notice, either personally or by mail, upon the owner, lessee or occupant or any person having the care and/or control of any such lot or land to comply with the provisions of §140-7 and §140-8. If the person upon whom the notice is served fails or neglects to remove any snow, ice or other substance within two hours after receipt of such notice, or if no person can be found in the Village who either is or claims to be the owner of said lot or land or who represents or claims to represent such owner, the Code Enforcement Officer may cause any such snow, ice or other substance to be removed. The actual cost for such removal, plus 25% for inspection and other additional costs in connection therewith, shall be certified by the Code Enforcement Officer to the Village Treasurer and shall there upon become and be a lien upon the property and shall become and form a part of the taxes next to be assessed and levied upon such lot or land and shall bear interest at the same rate as taxes and shall be collected and enforced by the same officer and in the same manner as taxes. B. Said notice shall also contain the date, time, and location at which the Village will conduct a public hearing to determine whether the owner, lessee or occupant or any person having the care and/or control of any such lot or land did fail or neglect to remove said snow and/or ice from said sidewalks. Said notice shall state that the property owner, his/her agent, lessee or occupant is entitled to be heard at such hearing and present evidence or testimony. The date of such public hearing must be at least ten (10) days after service or mailing of the notice of violation. Notice of the public hearing shall be published in a paper of general circulation in the Village at least five (5) days prior to the date of the public hearing. C. Nothing contained herein shall require notice as a prerequisite to the issuance of a summons or appearance ticket for a violation of this chapter. Section 4. This local law shall take effect upon filing with the Secretary of State of the State of New York. Thank you.