The Village is sponsoring a flu shot clinic with the Albany County Health Department on Friday, December 6th from 10am to 12 noon at the Community Center, which is located at 5 George Street. It is open to residents 18 years of age and older. If you have NOT gotten your flu shot, this is your opportunity to get it. The number of vaccines is limited so we are asking anyone interested to call the Village Office at 273-2201 and leave your name and number. You can also sign up online by clicking on the attached Survey Monkey link located below this message and filling in the requested information. If you make a reservation you will be certain to have a vaccination reserved for you. If you do not make a reservation, you can still come but may not be guaranteed that there will be enough. Please bring your insurance card. If you lack insurance, there is a $25 fee. However, if you are unable to afford the fee, please discuss with the on-site biller as no one will be turned away. Also, if you have an allergy to eggs, you are advised not to get the shot.