The Village of Green Island is starting a “Little Library” program and have recently installed a box in the Paine Street Park. The Little Library is a free public book exchange (take a book, return a book) that aims to inspire reading throughout the community. There will be books for children and adults, we are encouraging reading as a family. Special thank you to Green Island resident Alisha Hope for the idea and more importantly for volunteering to help start the program and keep it up and running.
Please see more information, including rules and regulations for the program below:
Welcome to our Paine Street Park Little Free Library
It’s a community library for everyone to enjoy!
The Paine Street Park Little Library is open during park hours.
We encourage everyone to take a book to read and enjoy!
When do I need to return a book I’ve taken?
Whenever you have time!
Can I donate books to the library?
Absolutely!! Donations are encouraged. We take books for all ages!
Books for all ages and reading levels are almost always in short supply. If you would like to make a donation please email
Please NO textbooks, old books in poor condition, NO pornography, NO marketing or advertising flyers, NO political or religious materials, leaflets, or pamphlets.