2020 Grievance Day Information

Due to Covid-19 we are forced to make some changes to the May 27, 2020 Grievance Day schedule and process.

For 2020, we will accept e-mailed, mailed through USPS, and hand delivered applications.  All applications must be submitted by the time the Board of Assessment Review (BAR) adjourns at 8:00 p.m. on May 27th.  We recommend you submit your application by May 22, 2020 so you are assured it is timely filed. 

For e-mailed applications please send scans of the application and supporting information to brad.canning@villageofgreenisland.com.  We will respond with a receipt e-mail.

Mailed through USPS applications must be received by May 27, 2020.  We will send a date stamped copy of the front page back to you as receipt.  Post marked on the 27th but received after will NOT be timely filed. 

Hand delivered applications can be put in the Village Hall front door mail slot.  We will send a date stamped copy of the front page back to you as receipt.  Applications must be submitted before the BAR adjourns on the 27th.  Any application submitted to the Village Hall on May 28th will NOT be timely filed.

****If you wish to speak with the BAR please supply a phone number and email address.  We will contact you to set up a conference call or video meeting between the hours of 4 and 8 p.m. on May 27th.  Calls or video meetings will last no longer than 10 minutes****

It is not required for you to speak with the BAR.  They will review your application and supporting documentation.  There is no penalty for not speaking with them. The BAR’s determinations will be sent by USPS on July 1, 2020.