Tips for residents and businesses from the various Emergency Management Centers as Hurricane Sandy makes its way toward the East Coast (10-26-12):
- This is an October storm so please rake all leaves and limbs this weekend, especially in front yards or roadways in front of your house, to prevent clogged storm systems. While it is understood that the wind from a hurricane will blow more leaves to the ground, the less into the sewer system, the better off we will be. Backup of our storm system could cause localized flooding.
- Monitor a local radio or television station for official emergency information and instructions. Implement hurricane protective procedures as conditions warrant.
- Keep a number of working flashlights, extra batteries and at least one battery-operated radio; News media will provide timely information regarding power service restoration efforts in the event of failure.
- Keep cellphones and other data devices fully charged.
- Fill all prescriptions for family members.
- Keep an adequate supply of bottled water for drinking and sanitation and non-perishable foods on hand. You should have enough supply for at least 3 days.
- If you depend on electric-powered life support equipment, such as a respirator, notify Green Island Public Safety Dispatcher at 273-2401 before the storm event (Green Island residents only-others may contact their local emergency responders directly);
- In the event of power outage please unplug all household appliances, computers, televisions, etc. to avoid surges that may cause damage when the power is restored.
- Prepare a family emergency kit that includes, at least water, a three-day supply of food, can opener, first aid kit, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation, wrench or pliers to turn off utilities, local maps, matches in a waterproof container, paper and pencil;
- Before operating any generator, have an electrical professional disconnect wiring from power company service;
- Turn refrigerators and freezers to their coldest settings ahead of time to keep food fresh longer in the event of a power outage.
- Inspect Building Exteriors. Clean drains, gutters and downspouts of the buildings.
- Be cognizant of where you park (tree limbs).
- Remove antennas or loose objects from the roof.
- Bring in display racks, ornaments and other objects usually left outside. Secure all loose objects, such as trash cans, which might cause damage during strong winds.
- Remove outdoor signs, especially those that swing or are portable.
- Secure all outdoor furniture, grills, trashcans, pool supplies, or any other outdoor item that could become a projectile during high winds.
- Keep all trees and shrubs trimmed to reduce the risk of dangerous falling branches.
- Keep your gas tank filled.?
- Inspect above ground pools to be sure all brackets and covers are secure. Use pumps to remove surface water from the cover and avoid overflow or increased pressure on the sidewalls.
- If still in, inspect window air conditioning units to be sure they are secure. Remove them during storm event if necessary.