Housing & Section 8

Joseph E. Mastrianni, Inc., Section 8 Administrator (effective 6/1/22) 
P.O. Box 5090
Saratoga Springs, New York 12866
Phone: 518-372-8846
Fax: 518-372-8467

See HUD guidance for tenants during the COVID-19 emergency by clicking here.

The application period is closed as of July 30, 2019.

5/23/19: APPLICATION PERIOD CLOSED AS OF JULY 30, 2019   Click on link here for information regarding an open application period for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program.


The objectives of the Village of Green Island Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program are to provide decent, safe and sanitary housing to eligible families (as defined in HUD regulations) and individuals through rental subsidies and to assist them to become more self-sufficient.

Emphasis will be placed on attracting families or individuals who may not be aware of potential eligibility for the program. The various aspects of the program are explained to eligible applicants through use of either individual or group briefing sessions. The sessions are presented by Section 8 Program personnel who are knowledgeable in the field of social assistance, including housing, education, health employment, various social services, legal assistance, and maintenance and budgeting. Continuous assistance is provided to applicants from initial screening through the searching and leasing periods. Section 8 Program Personnel experienced in landlord-tenant relationships will conduct housing inspections and follow up.

Any Federal or Green Island Housing preferences will be publicized and placed in a prominent place in the Village Green Island Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program’s office, as may be required by regulation.

Special outreach efforts will be made when unique problems are identified in communicating with families who would benefit from the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Programs. Some of these efforts may include the publication of aspects of the Voucher Programs in Senior Citizens’ Bulletins and various Church bulletins. The Village of Green Island Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program may publish a newsletter and distribute it to owners and tenants. Section 8 Program Personnel will provide direct home outreach services to housebound individuals. Audio/visual aid will be available to disabled individuals.

If you would like more information regarding Section 8 & Housing, click here.